1. Living With a Family of Sami Reindeer Herders - Confetti Travel Cafe
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Abby and Weston Tanner share their rare opportunity of living with Sami reindeer herders for two months in Northern Scandinavia.
2. Behind the scenes of Frozen 2: How Sámi representatives cooperated ...
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We spoke to Christina Henriksen from the Saami Council about Sámi elements in Frozen 2, how Sámi culture was represented in an appropriate way and what is means to a Sámi audience to have a version of the movie in their mother tongue.
3. Life in a Sami Village: Herding Reindeer in Norway
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Thanks to a wonderful experience outside Tromso, I learned about the indigenous people of Norway, life in a Sami village, and herding reindeer!
4. Frozen 2, The Sami Culture and Scandinavian Myths | by
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Northuldra and the Sámi
5. The Sami vs. Outsiders - LAITS
According to historians, the proto-Sami were said to have inhabited most of Scandinavia and Northwest Russia. We first hear of them in the year 98 AD.
By Káre (Kimmi Woodard)
6. Sami in Sweden | sweden.se
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The indigenous Sami are one of Sweden's five national minorities. Originally reindeer herders, many today live modern lives.
7. Interview with a Reindeer Herder. A Sámi story in the north of Norway
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A Sámi story in the north of Norway
May 8, 2024 · It is essential to understand how the history of Sami living in a part of a nation-state that ... 3.4.2 Storytelling and Folklore of Saminess.